The Impact of Japan's Unique 'Saving Face' Culture on Daily Life and Work
In this article, we'll examine in detail, with specific examples, how the concept of saving face - one of the crucial elements shaping Japanese society - affects our lives and work.
3 Types of Bowing in Japan: Why Japanese People Avoid Handshakes and Hugs
Let's explore why bowing culture became so deeply rooted in Japan, how these bowing customs historically developed, and how they are used in modern daily life.
What Are the Unique Characteristics of Japanese Emotional Expression? How Does It Differ from the Rest of the World?
Let's explore how these uniquely Japanese emotional expressions developed and what characteristics they have.
Collectivism in Japan: How It Shapes Society and Daily Life
Let's examine what collectivistic elements are hidden within the behaviors and customs that we Japanese practice as a matter of course, and how they affect our lives.
How Japan's Culture of Shame Influences Work and Daily Life
Let's examine how this shame culture historically developed and has been passed down as a cultural tradition in Japan.